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Found 785 results for any of the keywords eeg and. Time 0.008 seconds.
Innovative wireless EEG and fNIRS device for 64 channelsWireless EEG and fNIRS device to acquire and process both signals in real-time and in off-line mode and to take advantage of them.
BCI SYSTEM: Unlocking Remarkable New Possibilities for Brain-Computerg.tec’s BCI system enables communication between the brain and a computer by detecting mental activity through EEG or ECoG signals.
g.tec medical engineering | Homeg.tec medical engineeirng develops and produces high-performance brain-computer interfaces and neurotechnologies for invasive and non-invasive recordings.
g.HIamp 256-Channel Biosignal Amplifier | g.tec medical engineeringg.HIamp is a high-performance biosignal amplifier with 256 channels for invasive and non-invasive measurements of the brain that is FDA cleared and CE approved.
g.NAUTILUS RESEARCH: Groundbreaking and unique Innovations for Tomorrog.Nautilus RESEARCH is a wearable EEG headset for research applications only. It s a wearable and wireless EEG Cap.
g.tec Medical Engineering GmbH: Can EEG With BCI Technology Help ImproYour one-stop destination for neurotechnology and brain-computer interfaces. Get precision EEG devices, non-invasive invasive options, wireless EEGs, and neurofeedback tools at low prices.
QEEG EEG Brain Mapping | BCIA Neurofeedback, BCIA Biofeedback, QEEGBrain Science International (BSI) is a world leader in EEG, QEEG and functional QEEG (FQEEG) analysis (brain mapping), EEG Neurofeedback and Biofeedback training and education. To become Board Certified in EEG Biofeedbac
Nexus - 32Human Karigar provides Nexus- 32, biofeedback/neurofeedback wireless system with 32 channels
T M World | Your Comprehensive Resource for Technical InformationExplore a vast collection of articles, terminology, calculators, company listings, and equipment information across diverse fields like electronics, RF, measurements, optics, and more. Your one-stop hub for technical kno
Human Karigar - Product ListHuman Karigar offers Nexus-4, Nexus-10, Nexus-16, Nexus-32 to measure EEG, SCP, QEEG, EMG, EOG, Oximetry, GSR, SC, EEG caps, data channels, HRV, BVP, SCP
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